Policy ENV12: Sustainable Design and Construction requirements

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy ENV12:  Sustainable Design and Construction and Adaptation

Development will be permitted where it minimises resource use and includes measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Proposals for:

  • All new dwellings (including residential conversions); and
  • New non-residential development over 100sqm gross floorspace (including conversions and extensions) will submit a Sustainability Statement to demonstrate how they will:
  1. Minimise construction waste, including designing out waste during the design stage, and reusing materials (including soil) where possible;
  2. Reduce waste from occupiers by providing facilities for recycling and composting where achievable;
  3. Minimise water use including through the use of sustainable water management solutions such as sustainable drainage systems, greywater recycling, green roofs and/or rainwater harvesting systems, where achievable and energy and cost effective.
  4. Include site and building-level adaptation measures that ensure resilience to future climate change impacts and provide for the comfort, health, and wellbeing of occupiers and the surrounding environment over the lifetime of the development. These measures should be integral to the layout and design of new development and take into account the vulnerability of the building occupants.

Sustainability and water efficiency standards

New-build non-residential developments of 1000sqm gross floorspace or more will be required to achieve a BREEAM standard of ‘Excellent’ or ‘Outstanding’. Proposals must achieve at least six credits for energy efficiency (Category ENE01) and five credits for water consumption (Category WAT01) unless these can be robustly demonstrated to not be technically achievable or viable.

New homes (including replacement dwellings) will be required to meet a water efficiency standard of 110 litres or less per person per day. Certification of new homes against the BRE Home Quality Mark is strongly encouraged.

7.88 It is important that all new development minimises its use of resources and is resilient to the effects of climate change. Climate change is already occurring, and impacts upon the borough include hotter summers, lower summer rainfall, and an increase in peak rainfall.
7.89 In addition to the adaptation measures required by other policies in the Plan (for example, relating to green infrastructure and flooding), a Sustainability Statement is required for some types of development to demonstrate the sustainability credentials of the proposed development. The level of detail in the statement should be proportionate to the scale of the development and its likely impact.
7.90 New build non-residential development over 1,000sqm floorspace will also be required to achieve a BREEAM standard of at least Excellent. The BREEAM certification covers a wide range of environmental considerations including building fabrics and materials, energy and water use, ecology and waste recycling and so therefore provides a comprehensive overview of a development’s sustainability. Sufficient information should be submitted with the planning application to demonstrate that the required standard could be achieved. Although national policy does not allow the council to set a similar requirement for residential development, certification against BRE’s Home Quality Mark is strongly encouraged.
7.91 Basingstoke and Deane has been identified as a water stressed area by the Environment Agency, so it is particularly critical that development includes measures to reduce water use. The policy therefore sets minimum water consumption requirements, however reductions in water use that go beyond these standards will be strongly encouraged. Proposals should consider the use of reclaimed and recycled water (through measures such as rainwater harvesting) and other measures to reduce water demand.
7.92 Developments should be designed to support the comfort, health and wellbeing of future occupants, taking into account the way that the climate will change over the life of the development. At a building level, this should include measures to reduce vulnerability to overheating (including consideration of the internal layout, the orientation of glazed areas and the potential use of green roofs with sufficient substrate depth to maximise cooling). At a site level, consideration should be given to issues such as providing shading through tree planting and designs that enable airflow through the development. It is recognised that these adaptation measures can also have wider benefits, such as supporting green infrastructure and biodiversity.
Implementation and Monitoring

The policy will be implemented through:

  • Decisions on planning applications.
  • A Supplementary Planning Document to provide more detail about how the policy will be implemented, including guidance on the Sustainability Statement.

The policy will be monitored against:

  • Developments including each sustainable design measure.
  • Non-residential developments meeting/not meeting BREEAM Excellent and BREEAM Outstanding.
  • Developments meeting water efficiency standards.




These policies are too weak. All new builds should come with solar panels, heat pumps and provision for electric car charging installed. 
Why will this actually work (and survive examination of the LPU) unless supported by NPPF/other government policy?
Sounds good. Again another policy requiring the appropriate technical skill set to understand, monitor and enforce.  How will this resource be delivered
Southern Water supports the water efficiency section of this policy, and encourages greater ambition.  High standards of water efficiency in new developments equate to greater long-term...
We note the inclusion of the following passage: “Proposals must achieve at least six credits for energy efficiency (Category ENE01) and five credits for water consumption (Category WAT01) unless...