Policy INF2: Transport
Policy INF2: TransportRecognising the council’s declared Climate Emergency, the council will work in partnership to promote a safe, efficient and convenient transport system which will:
Development should seek to minimise the need to travel and maximise opportunities for sustainable transport modes, to minimise the transport impacts arising from the development, improve accessibility to facilities and services, and support the transition to a low carbon future. Development proposals will be permitted that:
Development proposals that generate significant amounts of movement must be supported by a Travel Plan to deliver sustainable transport objectives and a Transport Assessment or a Transport Statement to address the transport impacts of the development. Development must be of high quality, sustainable in design, construction and layout, offering maximum flexibility in the choice of sustainable transport modes, including Active Travel (walking and cycling), and with accessibility for all potential users. Development will be permitted where it:
For development proposals that generate significant amounts of movement, it is important to establish sustainable travel patterns that minimise the need to travel from the outset of development, to minimise the transport impacts arising from the development. Agreement should be reached with the council and Hampshire County Council on proposed public transport enhancements to provide certainty for future residents and to assist in developing and financing a well-defined and comprehensive network, in partnership with public transport operators. |
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The provision of a safe, convenient and efficient transport network in the borough is key to supporting residents, employees and visitors to the borough, as well as assisting the wider economy. This is supported by the Basingstoke Transport Strategy which has been developed in partnership between the council and Hampshire County Council (HCC, the Local Highway Authority). The transport strategy includes a range of measures for improving transport including:
9.25 | This strategy was adopted by both authorities in July 2019 and provides a framework for more detailed work on specific projects which will be progressed to deliver transport improvements in and around the town. HCC have also developed a Basingstoke & Deane Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) for the borough (March 2023) to provide a strategic approach to identifying walking and cycling infrastructure improvements. |
9.26 | In addition to the Basingstoke Transport Strategy and the LCWIP, various sections of the national Strategic Road Network that is managed by National Highways also pass through the borough. This includes the relevant sections of the M3 motorway, the A303 and the A34 trunk roads. With respect to these strategic routes, Department for Transport Circular 01/2022 (Dec. 2022) sets out how National Highways look to support the delivery of sustainable development. |
9.27 | HCC and the local bus operators have formed an Enhanced Partnership (EP) to develop an improved network of public transport routes within Hampshire. This includes a series of corridors which will be subject to enhancements particularly in Basingstoke to reduce journey times, improve reliability and to increase bus passenger numbers. This is also to be supported by the provision of bus priority measures to enhance the operation of high quality and reliable public transport corridors, whilst also looking to modernising existing facilities and infrastructure together with securing funding from relevant new developments and from other sources. |
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HCC’s Local Transport Plan (LTP4) is expected to form the primary transport policy for HCC to 2050. To meet carbon reduction targets, HCC have identified that a shift in approach is necessary, with an increased emphasis on approaches which support modal shift and manage the demand for road space, rather than just supplying the extra capacity to meet this demand. The following two guiding principles have been identified as being essential for the delivery of the LTP:
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The Transport Strategy will sit within the framework of the Hampshire Local Transport Plan (LTP) (2011 - 2031) produced by Hampshire County Council and any successor to this. The LTP provides the long-term framework for transport policies within the borough. The Plan seeks to improve accessibility through the three initiatives of reduce, manage and invest. To assist in meeting the objective of creating sustainable communities, the council will, working in partnership with Hampshire County Council and others, aim to:
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Hampshire County Council published a Transport Statement to set out the transport objectives and delivery priorities for the borough. The Transport Statement builds upon exiting transport related documents covering the borough, notably the Local Transport Plan, Basingstoke Town Access Plan (TAP) to provide:
9.31 | It is essential that new developments provide safe and suitable access to the highway network and provide a safe and secure on-site movement layout that minimises conflicts between traffic and cyclists or pedestrians, considers the needs of people with disabilities, accommodates the efficient delivery of goods, materials and supplies, and encourages the use of sustainable transport modes, whilst providing appropriate parking provision for all potential users. Transport provision varies considerably across the borough, with relatively good accessibility by all modes of transport (including, walking, cycling, public transport and the private car) in Basingstoke town and some of the larger settlements, to lower levels of accessibility in some of the more remote rural areas. |
9.32 | Through the provision of services and facilities locally, together with safe, secure and attractive access for pedestrians and cyclists (including those with mobility impairments) and access to high quality public transport, it is possible to help to minimise the need to travel and provide greater scope for people to have a choice of modes of transport, including non-car modes. For example, this can be achieved through creating well connected neighbourhoods where people can meet the majority of their daily needs within a reasonable distance of their home, preferably by walking, cycling or public transport. This, together with improved use of technology to facilitate increased working from home, can assist increasing the demand for local facilities and services helping limit the impact of new development on the transport network. |
Figure 9.1: Sustainable Transport Hierarchy
9.33 | Active Travel (walking and cycling) has a key role to play in ensuring an increase in sustainable travel. As indicated by the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy (see above), walking and cycling needs to be given the highest priority, followed by public transport, in preference to single occupancy car use. This can be achieved by accommodating the requirements of pedestrians first, followed by cyclists both within new developments and with neighbouring areas, whilst also facilitating access to high quality public transport. Sport England have also identified this as being important to help people to lead more physically active and healthy lives, as set out by the Sport England Active Design guidance |
9.34 | New developments need to facilitate access to high quality public transport services, whilst maximising the potential catchment area. This can be achieved by taking into account the operation of existing bus services in consultation with the local bus operators and HCC, whilst also identifying the most appropriate means to serve new developments, possibly including any temporary arrangements during the construction phases, whilst also maintaining the efficient operation of the existing services. Additionally, the design of proposed developments needs to be informed by the guidance published by Stagecoach Bus (Bus Services & New Residential Developments (2017) or its successor) who operate the majority of existing bus services within the borough, as well as the best practice guidance published by the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (Buses in Urban Developments (2018) or its successor). |
9.35 | In accordance with the Sustainable Transport Hierarchy, safe, secure and attractive pedestrian and cycle connections, together with suitable waiting and boarding facilities, need to be provided to encourage public transport use. The provision of Mobility Hubs that can provide a dedicated place where people can easily switch from one mode of transport to another, together with access to shared facilities such as a parcel drop-off or pick-up point, car club parking, electric vehicle charging points, secure cycle parking, is supported. Development will be resisted where it is considered it would adversely affect future infrastructure improvements for public transport. The borough’s transport networks are continuing to evolve and improve and the council is working jointly with the highway authorities, stakeholders and other partners to support ongoing transport studies and to seek future funding opportunities. |
9.36 | Proposals will be encouraged to provide infrastructure supporting the use of alternative vehicle types and fuels in support of a lower carbon future. Examples could include installation of electric vehicle charging points. The Government has stated it will end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars and vans by 2030, with all new cars and vans being fully zero emission from 2035. As a result, electric vehicles are becoming more common thereby requiring the provision of supporting charging infrastructure. In line with the council’s Climate Emergency and to keep pace with the uptake of electric vehicles, the council requires the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in safe, accessible and convenient locations. Further guidance is set out within the council’s Parking Standards SPD (2018) or its successor. |
9.37 | The Parking Standards SPD (2018) set out the council’s approach to car and cycle parking in new developments in the borough, taking into account the expected levels of car ownership with an emphasis on promoting good design. It also includes standards for cycle, motorcycle and electric vehicle parking, whilst also recognising the benefits of car clubs. |
9.38 | The thresholds for the need for a Transport Assessment or Travel plan are set out in Planning Practice Guidance. However in some circumstances a Transport Assessment may be appropriate for smaller developments and a Transport Statement will normally be required to support developments for Houses in Multiple Occupation and residential sub-divisions. |
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Travel Plans are recognised for their part in reducing the impact on the environment by encouraging modal shift, including promoting schemes for reducing travel and travel at peak times (e.g. flexible working), electronic communication, car sharing or promoting transfer to alternative modes. |
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There are many rural communities where there are limited alternative forms of transport and car use is the only real option for travel. The characteristics of the borough and its relatively scattered pattern of settlements and rural road network must be considered in any transport proposals. The council will support the development of future flexible community-based transport initiatives and will work with the county council to develop initiatives to serve rural areas. The retention of local services and facilities will also help to reduce the need to travel for many communities, although the travel needs of various groups such as children and older persons will require special consideration. |
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The council will seek to enter into legal agreements with potential developers to secure the implementation of specific improvements or contributions towards their implementation in accordance with the wider access strategy outlined in the Local Transport Plan, Basingstoke Transport Strategy and Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule or its successor. Such improvements may include new or improved highway and non-highway access infrastructure or the provision of new or additional public transport services. |
9.42 | The policy seeks to make certain that all development proposals are designed to ensure that future development of suitable adjacent development site(s) could be accommodated from a transport and access perspective. Therefore, the council’s assessment and evaluation of planning applications will consider how development schemes safeguard future development of suitable adjoining sites. |
Implementation and MonitoringThe policy will be implemented by:
The policy will be monitored by: