Policy SPS11: Basingstoke Leisure Park

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS11:  Basingstoke Leisure Park

The Basingstoke Leisure Park will be revitalised and modernised as a prime leisure destination, accommodating new and enhanced leisure facilities which support its role as a regional leisure destination. Development proposals will enhance the public realm including through the provision of new and improved open spaces. Development proposals to improve active travel into and through the park will be supported. New buildings must meet the Plan’s climate change policies to support the council’s climate emergency declaration. 

New and improved leisure facilities will be permitted where there is no significant adverse impact on existing town or district centres within Basingstoke. Retail development on the Leisure Park will only be supported where it remains ancillary to the new or existing leisure uses and is required to make the new provision economically viable, without detriment to the borough’s defined retail centres.

6.211 In addition to Basingstoke town centre, the Basingstoke Leisure Park is one of the borough’s prime leisure destinations, comprising 45 acres of land owned and managed by the council. The Park has developed in an ad-hoc fashion over the years and in order to remain a ‘go to’ leisure attraction, it needs modernising with new investment including, new and improved leisure activities, areas of public open space and opportunities for active travel across the site which will support more active lifestyles.
6.212 A masterplan for the site was adopted by the Council in 2023, aimed at improving access to and the quality of leisure within the borough; introducing free-to-access facilities such as running, walking and cycling trails, open space and activity areas; supporting and complementing existing occupiers; enhancing existing public open space and supporting biodiversity gain; ensuring new buildings are energy efficient and supporting the council’s plan for carbon net zero; and promoting walking, cycling and the use of public transport including through increased permeability of the site. The policy will support these aims, helping to delivery a number of other council strategies and objectives including climate change, ecology and biodiversity, and health and well-being.
6.213 It is important that proposals on the Leisure Park complement and add to what Basingstoke offers already and that the town centre benefits from the increased activity and footfall on the Park, including through improved connections. The policy will enable proposals that enhance the leisure offer but do not result in a significant adverse impact on existing defined centres. Retail uses will only be permitted where they are ancillary and required to make any new provision economically viable, without detriment to the borough’s defined centres. The boundary of the leisure park is defined on the Policies Map.
Implementation and Monitoring

The policy will be implemented through:

  • The determination of planning applications relating to the site.

The policy will be monitored through:

  • The action plan of the Strategic Plan for Sport and Recreation to 2025.
  • Annual monitoring of retail and leisure completion data relating to the park.
  • Updates to the Leisure and Recreation Needs Assessment.
  • Consideration of the extent to which proposals meet the objectives of the adopted masterplan for the leisure park and regeneration strategy (or successor documents).



We support and would emphasise the wording in the draft Policy that the ‘revitalisation’ and ‘modernisation’ of the Basingstoke Leisure Park must not have a significant adverse impact or detriment on...