Policy SPS12: Chineham Railway Station

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS12:  Chineham Railway Station

This 1.8 hectare site lies to the North West of Chineham and is safeguarded for the development of a new passenger railway station and associated car parking.

6.214 The delivery of a railway station at Chineham, which would be served by the Basingstoke to Reading stopping service, would provide access to the local area’s residential developments and business parks. The provision of the railway station would contribute towards reducing car use within the local area and in the wider A33 corridor, resulting in environmental, social and economic benefits. It is recognised that this site may have some biodiversity value and any loss of biodiversity will be compensated for on-site or elsewhere. The site is defined on the Policies Map.
6.215 Work is continuing with Hampshire County Council, Network Rail and the current train operator to explore opportunities to deliver the station development.



The Chineham Railway Station should be removed from the updated local plan.  There are no plans to build a station, and the land ear marked for the station car park, The Larches, is being...
The is supported in principle, as it will positively connect parts of Chineham, Sherfield Park and the Business Park area. However, it won't easily serve those who are on the other side of Chineham...
Policy SPS12: Chineham Railway Station The National Trust are the owners and custodians of The Vyne, a substantial Grade I listed mansion which lies within a Grade II Registered Park and...
North Hampshire residents use Newbury railway station for access to Reading.
A railway station is always mentioned but no action to date.  An extra stop on this line will impact existing services which already reduce, to some extent, car use in the A33 corridor....