Policy SPS2: Regeneration

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS2: Regeneration

Regeneration proposals, including within the initial priority areas of Buckskin, South Ham, Norden and Winklebury (indicatively illustrated on Figure 1 below), will be supported where they would result in a demonstrable benefit to the local community, providing new homes and an improved local environment with enhanced facilities to meet local needs.

A minimum of 200 net additional new homes will be provided through regeneration opportunities over the plan period.

The preparation of proposals will require full involvement and consultation with the affected local communities. Masterplans and or design codes must be prepared for large scale proposals, demonstrating that they will positively support and complement any comprehensive wider development of the area. Masterplans and design codes will also ensure that a very high standard of design will be achieved and will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document prior to any relevant development proposals being determined.

Regeneration will be achieved through redevelopment, the refurbishment of existing buildings (where this minimises the embodied energy arising from new construction), and improvements to the public realm, local infrastructure and environment including local open spaces. The replacement of existing older homes with highly sustainable new or refurbished homes will reduce the borough’s carbon emissions (as required by the Local Plan’s low carbon building policies) and support the council’s climate and ecological emergency declaration.

6.10 The areas of Buckskin, South Ham, Norden and Winklebury are considered to be an initial priority for regeneration. The identification of these neighbourhoods does not preclude other regeneration opportunities in other areas being brought forward. Some of the housing constructed in Basingstoke in the 1960s and 1970s offers the opportunities for estate regeneration with improvements to the housing stock, the local environment and local infrastructure and facilities.
6.11 Previous regeneration schemes have involved a variety of stakeholders including local registered providers, the borough council and the local community. New regeneration schemes will similarly require close working with all those involved in the regeneration process. It is important that consultation opportunities are built into the overall regeneration programme, thereby ensuring the community is fully engaged and is able to input into a project from an early stage.
6.12 Masterplans and design codes must be prepared for larger scale proposals. Where masterplans or design codes are required they must be developed in collaboration with stakeholders and also with the full involvement of the local communities affected. The involvement of the local community should be in line with the principles set out in the council’s statement of Community Involvement. They must also ensure that a very high standard of design is achieved, and that the redevelopment is well related to its surroundings. Development proposals must complement any comprehensive wider regeneration of the area.
6.13 Schemes must result in improvements to residents’ overall quality of life, with opportunities taken to enhance the local environment and provide new local infrastructure and facilities such as green spaces, health services and public transport connections. Regeneration offers the opportunity to address the structural issues affecting some of the estates from the 1960s and 1970s which arose from the designs and layouts which were prevalent at the time including: housing stock in poor condition; networks of pedestrian routes which are often poorly overlooked and can sometimes feel unsafe; roads with no pavements but which are still used by pedestrians as they can offer the most direct route to a destination; poorly located and unsafe parking places; and a poor distribution of green spaces and play areas.
6.14 Regeneration, through a mix of redevelopment, refurbishment and improvements to the public realm, local infrastructure and environment can address current issues and create significant enhancements to the borough’s housing stock, the local environment and range of available facilities. 

Figure 6.1: Initial Regeneration Areas

Map of Initial Regeneration Areas

Click to enlarge map

Implementation and Monitoring

The policy will be implemented through:

  • Partnership working with local communities and relevant registered providers to bring forward proposals and inputting into strategy documents and masterplans for the delivery of relevant sites, and
  • The determination of planning applications.

The policy will be monitored by:

  • The annual monitoring of housing completions for relevant types of development
  • The extent to which relevant schemes meet the objectives of the policy and the council’s forthcoming regeneration strategy



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