SPS5.1 Northern Manydown
I appreciate that this development is now well under way in terms of planning and preparation.
I would comment on paragraph j) “Retain separate identity...
Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Policy SPS5.1: Northern ManydownThe site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well designed and sustainable development that will:
6.35 | The land at Northern Manydown was allocated for a high quality, sustainable new development of approximately 3,400 new homes in the Local Plan 2011-2029. The proposal will sensitively respond to the site’s opportunities and constraints, in particular its landscape and biodiversity context, heritage assets, and relationship with existing communities. |
6.36 | The council adopted a Development Brief SPD in December 2016 that provided further guidance about the design, layout and infrastructure requirements of the development. |
6.37 | A large area of the site has since received outline planning permission for up to 3,520 dwellings. In addition to the housing, the development includes local centres containing community and retail floorspace, two primary schools, safeguarded land for a secondary school, and a country park. It is expected that the first homes will be delivered in 2024/25. |
6.38 | Parts of the site around Worting and south of the railway line are within the current site allocation’s wider boundary and the Basingstoke Settlement Policy Boundary but do not currently benefit from planning permission. The capacity of this land will need to be confirmed through detailed masterplanning work, but it is likely to be able to accommodate approximately 500 further dwellings. This capacity may increase if highway constraints at the Fiveways junction can be overcome. |
6.39 | In undertaking masterplanning on the land south of the railway, regard should be given to ensuring development is well integrated with development south of Pack Lane (Southern Manydown) and safeguards land for crossing the railway line, as identified on the Inset Map. |
Figure 6.3: Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown Concept Plan
Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown reflects the adopted Local Plan strategic policy for the North Manydown site. Whilst there are land parcels that do not benefit from the outline planning...
Please refer to the attached document titled ' Representations - Local Plan Update Reg 18 - Policy SPS5.1' dated 04 March 2024
This site is adjacent to, and may include, areas of important ancient woodland at Worting Wood and Wootton Copse. We are concerned that no mention is made of suitable protection, including buffer...
I support the Northern Manydown proposed development as I believe that it has suitable existing infrastructure, services and amenities.