Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown

The site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well designed and sustainable development that will:

  1. Provide for the phased delivery of approximately 4,000 dwellings;
  2. Be in accordance with the principles of the Concept Plan and the Manydown Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document (2016);
  3. In addition to the mix of dwelling sizes and types, make provision for a proportion of self-build units and also, in conjunction with other sites, a permanent, pitch / plot provision to meet identified accommodation needs of Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople in the borough, such needs being identified in the council’s Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (and any updates);
  4. Include the provision of social and physical infrastructure, including community facilities, local shopping facilities, healthcare facilities and sports and leisure facilities including playing pitches with an Infrastructure Delivery Strategy to demonstrate that the infrastructure requirements of the Manydown allocation have been comprehensively planned and will be met;
  5. Phased provision of two primary schools (a two form entry and a three form entry) and also reserve land for the phased provision of a secondary school, if required;
  6. Include appropriate green space/green infrastructure, including allotments, to meet local needs in line with the council’s adopted standards, ensuring that all green space is provided on site, and provide links to assist in the delivery of green infrastructure networks within and adjoining the site;
  7. Make provision for a country park, as identified on the Policies Map, which is accessible to existing nearby residential areas; and
  8. Respond positively to the special characteristics and sensitivities of the landscape, including the setting of the North Wessex Downs National Landscape, and also the setting and form of existing development. Visual intrusion into the wider landscape should be limited; the design of outward facing edges of development should respect and enhance the adjacent countryside and opportunities should be taken to provide linkages to the existing landscape framework;
  9. Conserve and enhance the architectural and historic significance of the Worting Conservation Area and its listed buildings including Worting House, respecting their setting, and ensuring sufficient mitigation is put in place when required;
  10. Retain the separate identity and character of Wootton St Lawrence and Oakley and restrict coalescence between the new development and these villages. The development will also retain the separate identity and character of Worting and Winklebury, including conserving the ancient boundary of the Roman Road as a green boundary;
  11. Provide for the retention and careful management of any important archaeological remains, within and adjacent to the site, in a manner appropriate to their significance;
  12. Avoid or mitigate the direct and indirect adverse impacts on key species and habitats, including rare arable flora and Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation within and adjacent to the site. Where this is proved not to be possible, mitigation and compensation for the loss will be required to ensure at least a 10% net gain in biodiversity. Opportunities will be taken to secure the creation and management of linkages between existing woodlands;
  13. Include measures to mitigate the impact of development on the local road network including improvements to the A339, Roman Road (and associated road junctions), the B3400, Pack Lane, and the road through Wootton St Lawrence with appropriate measures to maintain accessibility for existing residents and ensure safe and convenient access for all road-users;
  14. Include provision of a road through the land allocated for housing, from the A339 to the B3400, linking the proposed housing to the existing communities and to provide the ability to connect to potential future sites to the south, with the location and design of the road being determined through the master-planning process to achieve the optimum balance between movement and place-shaping. Land shall be safeguarded for a potential future crossing of the railway;
  15. Evaluate a range of options during the detailed master-planning phase for providing access to Manydown which aid permeability to and from the site in a manner that ensures proper consideration is given to a range of matters (e.g. rat-running) which potentially affect the quality of life for existing communities. In addition, there should be safe and convenient access from Winklebury by means of footpaths and cycle paths connecting to the Country Park.
  16. Include measures to improve accessibility by non-car transport modes including the provision of internal walking and cycling routes linked to existing external routes, the Public Rights of Way network and the Strategic Cycle Network, with direct cycle access to the town centre and the provision of public transport from the outset;
  17. Incorporate and/or promote renewable and low-carbon energy technologies;
  18. Ensure acceptable noise standards can be met within homes and amenity areas through suitable mitigation measures in light of the adjacent main roads and railway line;
  19. Ensure adequate infrastructure is provided for sewerage (on and off site) and surface water drainage and produce a drainage strategy;
  20. Ensure that it is well integrated with development at Southern Manydown.
  21. On the land south of the railway line and north of Pack Lane, development will be limited to a yield of up to 300 units, unless workable transport mitigation measures can be demonstrated to support a higher yield.
6.35 The land at Northern Manydown was allocated for a high quality, sustainable new development of approximately 3,400 new homes in the Local Plan 2011-2029. The proposal will sensitively respond to the site’s opportunities and constraints, in particular its landscape and biodiversity context, heritage assets, and relationship with existing communities.
6.36 The council adopted a Development Brief SPD in December 2016 that provided further guidance about the design, layout and infrastructure requirements of the development.
6.37 A large area of the site has since received outline planning permission for up to 3,520 dwellings. In addition to the housing, the development includes local centres containing community and retail floorspace, two primary schools, safeguarded land for a secondary school, and a country park. It is expected that the first homes will be delivered in 2024/25.
6.38 Parts of the site around Worting and south of the railway line are within the current site allocation’s wider boundary and the Basingstoke Settlement Policy Boundary but do not currently benefit from planning permission. The capacity of this land will need to be confirmed through detailed masterplanning work, but it is likely to be able to accommodate approximately 500 further dwellings. This capacity may increase if highway constraints at the Fiveways junction can be overcome.
6.39 In undertaking masterplanning on the land south of the railway, regard should be given to ensuring development is well integrated with development south of Pack Lane (Southern Manydown) and safeguards land for crossing the railway line, as identified on the Inset Map.

Figure 6.3: Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown Concept Plan

Click to enlarge map




SPS5.1 Northern Manydown I appreciate that this development is now well under way in terms of planning and preparation.  I would comment on paragraph j) “Retain separate identity...
Policy SPS5.1: Northern Manydown reflects the adopted Local Plan strategic policy for the North Manydown site.   Whilst there are land parcels that do not benefit from the outline planning...
Please refer to the attached document titled ' Representations - Local Plan Update Reg 18 - Policy SPS5.1' dated 04 March 2024
This site is adjacent to, and may include, areas of important ancient woodland at Worting Wood and Wootton Copse. We are concerned that no mention is made of suitable protection, including buffer...
I support the Northern Manydown proposed development as I believe that it has suitable existing infrastructure, services and amenities.