Policy SPS5.12: Land adjacent to Weybrook Park Golf Course
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Policy SPS5.12: Land adjacent to Weybrook Park Golf CourseThe site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well designed and sustainable development that will:
6.148 | The site, which would form an extension to Basingstoke, is allocated for approximately 30 homes, which are to be provided via a range of suitable dwelling types and tenures including 40% affordable housing. It will be important to the ensure that the development of the site is well related to neighbouring Weybrook Golf Course site allocation, in relation to issues such as siting, scale and layout. |
6.149 | It will also be important to co-ordinate the infrastructure required to serve the development with that which will be provided for the Weybrook Golf Course allocation. In particular, the site must be well integrated with, and connected to the walking and cycling network which will enable access for all users to nearby facilities including education and community facilities. |
6.150 | Proposals are to be informed by a coordinated and integrated approach to green infrastructure provision which links with adjoining sites within and through the development (utilising appropriate planting in order to support their biodiversity and landscape function), and which links to the surrounding countryside, habitats and Public Rights of Way. Ensuring the achievement of 10% biodiversity net gain on site is a key requirement. This will need to be achieved in a manner which reflects the mitigation hierarchy (avoid, minimise, remediate, compensate). |
6.151 | The scale of the new housing development should be of no more than 2-storeys in height. This is needed to mitigate the impact of the development on the setting of the North Wessex Downs National Landscape and on the adjoining well vegetated edge to Basingstoke to the south. |
6.152 | Development should enable the protection, and enhancement where appropriate, of the trees and hedges along the boundaries of the site. Development should face out towards these boundaries as much as is practically possible over an appropriate depth of buffer. |
6.153 | The site is adjacent to a number of important archaeological sites and to the line of the Roman road. If or where the Roman road survives as an earthwork it should be protected in situ. Where it survives as an historic line in the landscape (in this case defining the west edge of the site), the design and layout should respect and reinforce this line in order to retain its contribution to local distinctiveness and sense of place. |
6.154 | The site in in single ownership and is relatively unconstrained. The site is considered capable of being developed independently or could be developed in conjunction with the neighbouring Weybrook Golf Course allocation. The timescales for the delivery of the development will depend on whether the site is developed independently or not but it has the potential to be delivered within the first five years of the Plan period. |
Figure 6.13: SPS5.11: Redlands Lodge Concept Plan