Policy SPS5.14: 65 New Road

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS5.14:  65 New Road

The site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well-designed and sustainable development that will:

  1. Make provision for approximately 6 homes;
  2. Be in accordance with the principles in the Concept Plan;
  3. Ensure a safe, suitable and convenient access is provided for all users, whilst maintaining the safe and unhindered operation of the existing pedestrian crossing upon the northern frontage of this site;
  4. Respond positively to, and take opportunities to enhance, the characteristics of the site and wider area through the siting, density, scale, layout, character and hard and soft landscaping of the development and have due regard to the amenity of neighbouring properties;
  5. Include measures to avoid and mitigate the impact of development upon key species and habitats and enhance habitat connectivity. The development will provide a minimum 10% biodiversity net gain together with a site management plan;
  6. Preserve or enhance the significance, setting, character and appearance of the Basingstoke Town Centre and Fairfields Conservation Areas through the protection of views to and from those conservation areas;
  7. Preserve the significance, including the setting, of listed buildings, including the Grade II listed All Saints Church through the siting, scale, layout and character of development;
  8. Opportunities should be taken to better reveal the significance, including the setting, of heritage assets in the vicinity of the site, taking due account of important vistas and views;
  9. Ensure that street trees are provided along the frontage of the proposal;
  10. Ensure that the development of the site does not prejudice the development of the Local Plan allocation site to the immediate south at 16 Southern Road; and
  11. Ensure that acceptable noise standards can be met through suitable mitigation measures in light of the proximity of the site to road traffic.
6.161 The small site is allocated for approximately 6 dwellings The development of this site provides an opportunity to contribute to the repair of the slightly fragmented arrangement of buildings in the locality so that there is an improvement to the setting of Basingstoke Town Conservation Area to the north and the wider streetscene. It will be important to ensure that the proposal is sympathetic to the character of the area and has due regard to the amenity of neighbouring properties, such as the sheltered housing to the west, in terms of issues such as overlooking, outlook and access to natural light. The siting and massing of the development should not prejudice the development of the Local Plan allocation site to the immediate south at 16 Southern Road.
6.162 Given the busy nature of New Road at peak times as well as the presence of the existing signal-controlled pedestrian crossing upon the northern frontage of this site, the proposals for developing this site (including the access and servicing arrangements), will need to ensure that these do not hinder the safe operation of New Road, including the existing signal-controlled pedestrian crossing.
6.163 Currently, the site has no or little ecological interest and its redevelopment presents an opportunity to create a measurable net gain for biodiversity. The redevelopment will need to demonstrate that a 10% biodiversity net gain is achievable on site.
6.164 Development of the site will need to be informed by the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area which lies immediately to the north of the site and Fairfields Conservation Area which is located to the south. The character of the conservation areas should be used to inform the design of the site.  Consideration should be given to new housing providing a frontage along New Road.
6.165 Trees of Townscape Significance are identified within the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area along New Road lying opposite the site to the north. Additional street trees along the New Road frontage of the site would enhance the existing streetscene.
6.166 Provided that an acceptable scheme can be negotiated, it is envisaged that housing could be delivered within the first five years of the Plan period. 

Figure 6.15: SPS5.14:  65 New Road Concept Plan

Map - 65 New Road Concept Plan

Click to enlarge map




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