Cooper Estates Strategic Land Limited fully support the allocation of Land at Sherfield Hill Farm for development in the coming plan period. This is a sustainable site upon which the previous Local...
Policy SPS5.7: Sherfield Hill Farm
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Policy SPS5.7: Sherfield Hill FarmThe site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well designed and sustainable development that will:
6.111 | The site, which would form an extension to Basingstoke, is allocated for approximately 300 homes, which are to be provided via a range of suitable dwelling types and tenures including 40% affordable housing. Development will be supported by the timely delivery of supporting infrastructure including open space and allotments. Proposals for the site will be design-led and, although a formal design code is not required, the vision for the development should demonstrate a high quality and comprehensive approach to design. |
6.112 | The site must be well integrated and connected to other development in this location via a suitable walking and cycling network which will enable access for all users to nearby facilities and services including education and community facilities which will be available off-site. In order to minimise the impact of development on the A33 corridor, as well as surrounding connections, the development must include measures to minimise the need to travel (including access to digital services) and improve accessibility by active travel and public transport use, including financial contributions as appropriate towards the provision/improvement of new or existing bus routes and services to provide regular access for future residents to and/from the Basingstoke Town Centre (including Basingstoke Railway and Bus Stations) and other local facilities and services. A site wide travel plan and associated measures will be required to minimise the transport impacts arising from the development together with a suitable Mobility Hub that provides a high quality and accessible focal point for public and shared transport, including access to public transport services and associated facilities (e.g. car club parking, EV charging facilities for visitors, secure cycle parking, etc.) to provide access to attractive public transport services for travel beyond the site. The hub should be sensitive to its setting in terms of design and layout, and incorporate green features to minimise hard standing. |
6.113 | Proposals are to be informed by a coordinated and integrated approach to green infrastructure provision which links with adjoining sites. The allocation will preserve the physical separation between Basingstoke and Church End and protect the character of Church End, by maintaining an open and undeveloped green gap between the development and the settlement to the north. Protection and enhancement of existing tree and hedge belts along the southern, eastern and western boundaries will provide strategic planted buffers. Appropriate green infrastructure and a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain should be provided on site where appropriate. This will need to be achieved in a manner which reflects the mitigation hierarchy (avoid, minimise, remediate, compensate). |
6.114 | In order to ensure there is an appropriate transition to adjacent countryside and to avoid a hard edge to development, the layout along the northern and eastern edges of the site should be of a lower density and scale with a greater separation of buildings. Open spaces along the edge should incorporate suitable levels of planting (including trees and hedging) to help give a soft transition to the countryside. Development will need to face out to the countryside to provide active frontages, with no rear gardens facing outwards and also avoid prominent parking areas on the edge of the site. New housing development should be predominantly 2-storeys in height with the limited potential for some 2.5 storey buildings. |
6.115 | It will be important to have regard to the impact on the setting of the Grade II Listed St Leonard’s Church. The site forms part of its wider setting. The church is unusual in that it is some distance away from and separate from the main part of the village which it serves. The sense of separation must be maintained in order to preserve the significance of the listed building. |
6.116 | The site is in single ownership, is greenfield, and is relatively unconstrained. Provided that an acceptable scheme can be negotiated, and the provision of infrastructure in a timely manner, it is estimated that homes could start to be completed by 2023/4. Depending on market conditions and other factors, it is estimated that the development could take 5 years to complete. |
Figure 6.8 SPS5.7: Sherfield Hill Farm Concept