Dear Planning Policy Team,
Basingstoke and Deane Local Plan Update Regulation 18 consultation
Please find attached herewith submissions to the above listed consultation...
Policy SPS5.8: Land West of Marnel Park
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Policy SPS5.8: Land West of Marnel ParkThe site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well designed and sustainable development that will:
6.117 | The site, which would form an extension to Basingstoke, will make provision for approximately 200 dwellings, which are to be provided via a range of dwelling types and tenures including 40% affordable housing. Development will be supported by the timely delivery of supporting infrastructure including open space and allotments. Proposals for the site will be design-led and, although a formal design code is not required, the vision for the development should demonstrate a high quality and comprehensive approach to design. |
6.118 | In order to minimise impact on the highway network and local environment, the development will maximise opportunities for travel by active modes to access local services, facilities and public transport services, as well as ensuring safe, suitable and convenient access throughout the site. |
6.119 | Kiln Farmhouse, a Grade II listed building, lies immediately to the west of the site. It is likely that all or part of the site has an historic association with the listed building. Opportunities will be taken to respond sensitively to context and to limit and mitigate adverse impacts on the significance of the listed building at Kiln Farm arising from development within its setting, taking account of historic land use and associations, and of important views to, of and from the listed building. |
6.120 | In order to ensure that there is an appropriate transition to adjacent countryside, and to avoid a hard edge to development, the layout along the northern, western and southern edges of the site should be of a lower density and scale with a greater separation of buildings. Open spaces along the edge will incorporate suitable levels of planting (including trees and hedging) to help give a soft transition to the countryside. Development will need to face out to the countryside to provide active frontages, with no rear gardens facing outwards, and also avoid prominent parking areas on the edge of the site. |
6.121 | The character and appearance of the housing will be distinguishable from existing housing which adjoins the site to the immediate east. This will help to provide a more varied streetscene which will benefit the overall character of the residential neighbourhoods along the northern edge of Basingstoke. The site’s location on the edge of Basingstoke adjoining countryside indicates that the new housing development should be predominantly of 2 storeys in height with a limited potential for some 2.5 storey buildings. |
6.122 | Appropriate green infrastructure and a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain will be provided on site where appropriate. The Spiers Copse SINC lies immediately to the north of the site with Basing Forest beyond, these containing populations of bats and dormice and woodland bird species. The site may also be used by great crested newts, which are known to populate the adjoining residential neighbourhood to the east and nearby woodland. Tree and landscape buffers will be necessary to ensure protection of these species/habitats, as well as to minimise the visual impact of the development. The existing tree belt along the eastern boundary will be protected and maintained to retain the landscape structure of existing development and protect biodiversity interests which function as part of the local ecological network mapping. An existing Public Right of Way runs east-west through the site, linking the existing housing to the east with the wider countryside. This shall be maintained and incorporated within a green corridor running along the drainage channel and connecting to the existing green network through Marnel Park. |
6.123 | The site is in single ownership and is relatively unconstrained. Provided that an acceptable scheme can be negotiated, and the provision of infrastructure in a timely manner, it is estimated that homes could start to be completed by 2025/6. Depending on market conditions and other factors, it is estimated that the development could take approximately five years to complete. |
Figure 6.9: SPS5.8: Land West of Marnel Park Concept Plan
We note that point i) requires that "The existing tree belt on the eastern boundary will be retained in full in order to maintain its visual and biodiversity functions and its...
So much is wrong with this plan its hard to know where to begin and no "object" to all option. So i'll restrict myself to the one closest to home.
(1) 05th September 2022, Labour,...