Policy SPS7: Ensuring a supply of deliverable sites

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS7:  Ensuring a Supply of Deliverable Sites

The delivery of residential development will be managed to ensure a five year supply of sites can be maintained over the plan period. A review of the Local Plan will be triggered if a future supply cannot be demonstrated.

To take account of water quality matters in line with Policy ENV9 and where monitoring indicates a likely deterioration in individual elements band status of the borough’s water bodies, development proposals in affected areas will have to demonstrate that they would not exacerbate such deterioration in the relevant catchment. Intervention mechanisms will be required to improve the quality of the relevant catchment prior to the release of any further allocated sites or granting of planning permissions.

6.185 Policy SPS4 establishes the framework for ensuring a rolling five year supply of deliverable housing sites to meet needs.  Annual monitoring will be the primary means of considering whether the borough is able to provide a supply of deliverable sites, in line with the stepped trajectory approach. It will be necessary to take into account completions to date, in addition to the current housing trajectory to form a view on this matter.  A review of the plan will be triggered where additional allocations are necessary for the borough’s housing needs to be met, for example, as a result of the non-delivery or delayed delivery of a greenfield allocation.
6.186 Given local water quality issues, further development will also be dependent on the status of water bodies, and this will be considered through monitoring undertaken by the Environment Agency through the relevant River Basin Management Plan and monitoring information which will be reported through the council’s Authority Monitoring Report. In the event that this indicates that the status of the borough’s water bodies is likely to deteriorate in band status, development proposals in affected areas will have to demonstrate that they would not exacerbate deterioration in the relevant catchment. The council will work in partnership with the Environment Agency, the water companies and other relevant parties to identify the means of reversing the deterioration through appropriate intervention mechanisms prior to the release of any further allocated sites or granting of planning permissions.
Implementation and Monitoring

The policy will be implemented by:

  • ensuring that there is a supportive approach to development on appropriate urban sites
  • the determination of planning applications.

The policy will be monitored by:

  • annual monitoring of housing completions and the preparation of a housing trajectory to set out how the borough will provide a five year supply of housing sites in line with stepped trajectory approach
  • Council monitoring of the Environment Agency data for the Water Framework Directive and the relevant River Basin Management Plans; Catchment Management Plans; water company data and other verified data such as citizen science.



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