Dear Sir / Madam,
On behalf of our client, Buccleuch Property (Basingstoke) Limited, please find attached our clients response to the Basingstoke and Deane Draft Local Plan Update (Regulation...
Policy SPS9: Basing View
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Policy SPS9: Basing ViewBasing View will continue to be regenerated as a 21st century business location and will be protected as a high-quality strategic employment site (E (g) (i) (ii) use. It will support the role of Basingstoke town as a driver of economic growth by further encouraging economic prosperity and inward investment. Development proposals will be permitted which:
6.194 | Basing View, the boundary of which is defined on the Policies Map, is a key asset for the borough and the regeneration of this business district is of vital importance to the commercial future of the town and borough. The council’s Economic Needs Assessment highlights the role of Basing View in delivering sustainable economic development in the borough, outlining how the success of Basing View is key to this aspiration by making efficient use of land and providing employment opportunities in a location which is highly accessible by non-car modes. The regeneration of Basing View also provides a key opportunity to deliver high quality office accommodation, which will meet modern business requirements. As a business location, it benefits from excellent public transport and highway links and is located close to Basingstoke town centre’s retail, cultural and leisure facilities. The Commercial Property Market Study (2013) identifies Basing View as one of eight key investment potential sites in the Enterprise M3 LEP area. |
6.195 | The policy makes specific reference to the need to maximise the provision of Grade A office floorspace. This is in order to tackle the current lack of such space in Basingstoke. Grade A space is generally new space, comprising very high quality, well designed buildings. These buildings will typically have the latest infrastructure technology, allowing them to achieve the highest standards in efficiency and will benefit from high quality facilities in relation to issues such as security and disabled access. Such buildings are also likely to have top quality amenities, potentially including for examples cafes, childcare facilities or gyms. This description isn’t intended to act as a definitive set of requirements, but rather to provide some clarification in order to aid with the interpretation of the policy. |
6.196 | In order to improve the image of Basing View and achieve development which meets modern business requirements, it will be important to ensure that new development achieves a high standard of design both in relation to the individual buildings and the public realm. This will be facilitated by features such as active frontages and high quality hard and soft landscaping. |
6.197 | The inclusion of complementary land uses on Basing View, including retail, residential, hotels, leisure and restaurants will serve the office-based business community, continue to inject new life into the area and broaden the range of employment opportunities. ,Higher education uses will be supported, with associated student accommodation also being accepted in principle where it meets the overall aims of the policy. The policy also highlights the potential for approximately 300 new residential units, over and above any student accommodation. |
6.198 | Retail proposals should be located within the defined town centre boundary and then in edge of centre locations which, for retail purposes, are limited up to 300 metres from the primary shopping area. Small scale complementary retail may be permitted outside of the town centre boundary where this supports regeneration aspirations. |
6.199 | The feasibility of low carbon technologies on site, including district heating and CHP on site should be explored and incorporated into the redevelopment proposals if both feasible and viable. Any schemes for district heating and CHP should be designed to enable further connection and extension of the network to take place. |
6.200 | The regeneration of Basing View will make a major contribution to the local economy by attracting businesses and creating new employment opportunities at the site. The Highway Authority will therefore require Transport Assessments to accompany development proposals to demonstrate how they can be accessed by all modes of transport including walking and cycling, and improve integration with the town centre and railway station where possible. As a part of future improvements, changes to the wider highway network may also need to be secured through appropriate mitigation measures. |
6.201 | Proposed changes to the Basing View Designation are shown on the following plan: |
Figure 6.19: Proposed Changes to the Basing View Designation
Implementation and Monitoring
The policy will be implemented through:
- The determination of planning applications for proposals on Basing View.
- Working with the landowner and developers for relevant schemes in order to help facilitate the development of schemes which will help achieve the objectives of the policy.
- Inputting into any future strategy documents and masterplans for the site in order to ensure that they reflect the objectives of the policy and the LPU generally.
The policy will be monitored through:
- Recording annual changes in the supply of employment land and floorspace, both in terms of applications and completed gains or losses
- Identifying within the annual Authority Monitoring Report any developments for non-employment floorspace and setting out the reasons why consent was granted
- Annual monitoring of the delivery of homes.
Support the need to regenerate Basing View. Although the primary focus in the North Hampshire settlements tends to be towards Newbury as the main town for shopping we recognise and support...