Policy SPS5.4: Southern Manydown

Unique Reference Number: 
John Crocker

Policy SPS5.4: Southern Manydown

Policy box, Figure or Paragraph Number: 

Dear Sir

I am also a resident of North Waltham and object to the proposed development Southern Manydown SPS5.4 for the reasons set out below

John Crocker

I wish to object to the proposed development, Southern Manydown SPS5.4.

I am a resident of north waltham with two primary-school aged children.

The proposed development is unacceptable to me and my family for a number of reasons:

 - our main concern is the evident erosion of boundary between north Waltham and the proposed development, and by extension basingstoke. North Waltham would simply cease to be a village, degrading the countryside and important historical significance of the site as the close neighbour of Steventon, Jane Austen’s home.
 - the preposterous scale of the development is clearly in contradiction to the env1’s goal that proposals be sympathetic to the character and visual quality of the area concerned.
 - furthermore it contradicts our own Prime ministers statement about protecting our countryside, recently made in Feb 2024. Brownfield sites should be the priority.
 - the proposed volume of housing proposed is simply out of sync with the resident numbers of Basingstoke.
 - there is an evident lack of infrastructure planning which is surely required before such vast quantities of houses are considered. The damage and removal of ancient trees already achieved by the developers of Hounsome fields was more than enough.
 - the warehousing proposals and the roles it creates does not correlate to the highly skilled nature of local residents. Who then would such a development be serving, I wonder?
 - the erosion of ancient hedging, woodland and habitats is our final concern. The bats, numerous kite families as well as local deer are residents too but cannot plead on their own behalf.

 Please reconsider, align better with local needs, listen to the governments own guidance and come up with something better.