Policy DES3: Building Design

Unique Reference Number: 
Swifts Local Network: Swifts & Planning Group

Policy DES3: Building Design

Policy box, Figure or Paragraph Number: 

In summary, please add to the policy:

Swift bricks should be installed in all new-build developments including extensions, in accordance with best-practice guidance such as BS 42021:2022 or CIEEM which require at least one swift brick per home on average for each development.

Artificial nest cups for house martins may be proposed instead of swift bricks where recommended by an ecologist. 

In more detail, the reason for this is:

The National Model Design Code Part 2 Guidance Notes (2021) recommends bird bricks (Integrating Habitats section on page 25, and Creating Habitats section on page 26).

National planning guidance NPPG 2019 Natural Environment paragraph 023 highlights the value of swift bricks - swift bricks are a universal nest brick for small bird species (NHBC Foundation: Biodiversity in New Housing Developments (April 2021) Section 8.1: https://www.nhbcfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/S067-NF89-Biodiversity-in-new-housing-developments_FINAL.pdf ). 

This addition will enable the implementation of Policy ENV6 paragraph 7.44 which recommends swift bricks, by ensuring the early inclusion of swift bricks on the drawings for an integrated design process and reliable installation on site.

House martins are an important species in the borough, and artificial nest cups are also included in BS 42021:2022.