Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 of the draft Local Plan identify the significant delivery of housing required in the Borough over the plan period. It is recognised in following paragraphs that there are a number of barriers to delivery requiring a stepped trajectory that backends much of the provision.
It is further recognised that provision of infrastructure, market conditions and delays to planning can all have an impact on the ability of strategic allocations to deliver on time and to provide the level of affordable housing (including tenure mix) expected by the Local Plan.
In this regard, it is considered that Policy HSG3 could be amended to reflect potential under-delivery against quantum and tenure requirements through provision of a further paragraph to identify that:
'Where delivery of affordable homes of the quantum and expected tenure falls short of that identified in the Local Plan, further positive weight will be given to the determination of Rural Exception Sites to account for this shortfall'.
Implementation and Monitoring should be amended to reflect that the policy will also be monitored against delivery of housing, as set out in Figures 4.1 and 4.2.