Appendix 1: Glossary
A measure of the ease with which somebody can travel to or from a particular destination.
Active Travel
Making journeys by physically active means such as walking or cycling.
Adopted Parking Standards
The council’s adopted Parking Standards SPD (2018 or its successor) sets out an approach that takes account of expected levels of car ownership in new developments, together with an emphasis on promoting good design to set standards for cycle, motorcycle and electric vehicle parking,
Affordable Housing
Housing for sale or rent (with products defined by the NPPF) provided to eligible households whose needs are not met by the open market.
Affordable Rent
Rented housing let by Registered Providers of social housing. Rent is not subject to the national rent standard but is subject to other rent controls that require a rent of no more than 80 per cent of the local market rent.
Allocated site
A site identified in the Local Plan as being appropriate for a specific land use or land uses.
The pleasant aspects of a location which contributes to its overall character and the enjoyment of residents or visitors.
Ancient Woodland
An area that has been wooded continuously since at least 1600AD. It includes ancient semi-natural woodland and plantations on ancient woodland sites.
Article 4 Direction
A direction made under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015) which withdraws permitted development rights granted by that Order. In Basingstoke and Deane, there are Article 4 Directions in some parts of the borough to prevent changes to conservation areas, the formation of new houses of multiple occupation, and the conversion of commercial properties to homes.
Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE)
The AWE provides and maintains the warheads for the country’s nuclear deterrent and is based at two sites at Aldermaston and Burghfield (both outside the borough’s boundary).
Authority Monitoring Report
A report published at least annually by the Local Planning Authority, which assesses progress in preparing planning documents and monitors the performance of current development plan policies.
Basingstoke and Deane Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan
Plan adopted by Hampshire County Council which sets out a recommended approach to planning networks of walking zones and cycling routes that connect places that people want to get to, whether for work, education, shopping or for other reasons.
Basingstoke Transport Strategy
Strategy jointly adopted by Hampshire County Council and Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in 2019, which provides the framework for a range of measures that aim to improve transport and travel around Basingstoke.
Biological diversity means the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems.
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
An approach to ensure development contributes to the recovery of nature. It is a way of making sure the habitat for wildlife is in a better state than it was before development.
Biodiversity Opportunity Areas (BOAs)
Identified across Hampshire, BOAs represent a targeted landscape-scale approach to conserving biodiversity. They identify opportunities for habitat creation and restoration and maintenance, where resources can be focused to have the greatest positive impact for wildlife.
Biodiversity Priority Areas (BPAs)
These are identified in the council’s Green Infrastructure Strategy (2018) and are based on the borough’s two main river corridors, the River Test and the River Loddon. They were chosen because they represent cohesive linear geographic areas that contain interrelated habitats in need of protections and sensitive management.
Brownfield Land
See ‘Previously Developed Land’.
Building of Local Architectural or Historic Interest
A building that while not currently considered to be of sufficient interest to merit statutory listing is of local architectural or historic interest and importance that adds to the richness of the local built environment and should be preserved wherever possible.
Building for a Healthy Life (BHL)
A national design tool for creating well-designed homes and neighbourhoods.
Built up area
Land and buildings within defined settlement policy boundaries, and other land outside settlement policy boundaries where the built form has sufficient density and cohesion. There is no minimum area for a collection of buildings to be considered built up.
Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM)
An assessment method and rating system which sets standards for best practice in building design and construction. It is a recognised and quality assured scheme that uses a scoring system is used to evaluate a building’s sustainability including aspects related to energy and water use, the internal environment (health and well-being), pollution, transport, materials, waste, ecology and management processes.
Carbon Neutral
Having a net zero carbon footprint by achieving a balance between the amount of carbon emitted into the atmosphere and the carbon removed from it.
Car club
Car rental services that allow members access to locally parked cars for use on a short-term basis as an alternative to private car ownership for individuals and businesses.
Class C2
Residential institutions, including residential accommodation and care to people in need of care (other than a use within class C3 (dwelling houses)), hospitals, nursing homes, residential school, college or training centre.
Class C3
Dwellinghouses for use by a single person or people living together as a family.
Clean Growth
This means allowing growth to boost the economy whilst ensuring greenhouse gas emissions are minimised or mitigated including using renewable sources of energy where this is achievable to ensure that the climate and environment upon which we and future generations depend is protected.
Climate Emergency Declaration
A climate emergency for the borough was declared on 10th September 2019 and sets ambitious targets for the council to become carbon neutral in its operations by 2025 and a net zero carbon borough by 2030.
The physical or perceived merging or coming together of separate towns or villages to form a single entity.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
A levy (charged per square metre) on certain types of new development to be spent on infrastructure. Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council adopted CIL in 2018.
Commuted Sum Payment
A one-off payment associated with the transfer of ownership of an asset (such as open space) to the local authority, as a contribution towards its future maintenance.
Comparison Goods
Goods which are purchased less frequently such as white goods (TVs, fridges etc.) and clothing.
How well one thing is connected to another. From a transport perspective, this relates to the effectiveness of the transport network at getting people from one location to another.
Conservation Area
An area designated for special protection under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, for which it is considered desirable to preserve and/or enhance an historic interest and/or a special architectural character. Such areas have restrictions over works which can be done to buildings or trees.
Convenience Goods
Everyday essential items including food, drinks, newspapers/magazines and confectionary.
Council Plan
The Council Plan was adopted in 2023 and sets out the strategic priorities of the council up to 2027. The Local Plan Update will support the delivery of these priorities.
Any area outside a defined Settlement Policy Boundary (see Settlement Policy Boundary).
Decentralised Energy
Small-scale power generation technologies used to provide electricity at or near the point of consumption. It reduces the amount of energy lost in transmitting electricity because the electricity is generated very near where it is used, perhaps even in the same building. Examples include solar panels and small wind turbines.
Housing density is represented by the number of dwellings per hectare (dph). Net dwelling density is calculated by including only those site areas which will be developed for housing and directly associated uses, including access roads within the site, private garden space, car parking areas, incidental open space and landscaping and children’s play areas, where these are provided.
Detailed Emergency Planning Zone (DEPZ)
The DEPZ is a defined zone around nuclear sites (such as AWE Aldermaston) where it is necessary to pre-define protective actions to mitigate the likely consequences of a radiation emergency. Within these areas, development needs to be assessed to determine whether it would have any implications upon the Off-Site Nuclear Emergency Plan in conjunction with the ONR.
Design and Access Statement (DAS)
A report accompanying and supporting a planning application, which should explain the design principles and concepts that have been applied to particular aspects of the proposal – these are the amount, layout, scale, landscaping and appearance of the development. It should also explain how the design ensures that all users will have equal and convenient access to the development.
Designated Sites
Local, national and international designations protecting biodiversity and the natural environment e.g. Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
Design Quality Initiative
An initiative of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council in recognition that well designed places are important to ensuring a high standard of living for its residents. It includes a Design Quality Charter which seeks to ensure that high standards of design are achieved across the borough.
Developer Contribution
See Planning Obligation.
The carrying out of building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, or under the land, or the making of any material change in the use of any buildings or other land (Section 55, Town and Country Planning Act, 1990).
Development Plan
Documents which set out local planning authorities’ policies and proposals for the development and use of land within their areas. In the borough of Basingstoke and Deane, the Development Plan comprises the Local Plan, the Policies Map, Hampshire County Council Minerals and Waste Plan and Neighbourhood Development Plans.
District Centre
A district centre comprises groups of shops often containing at least one supermarket or superstore, and a range of non-retail services and public facilities that will meet the day-to-day needs of their local populations and the residents of neighbouring areas. District Centres are shown on the Policies Map in Brighton Hill, Chineham, Overton, Tadley and Whitchurch.
Ecological Emergency Declaration
An ecological emergency was declared on 14 October 2021 and the council is taking steps to manage, protect, enhance and restore nature across the borough.
Ecological Networks
An ecological network comprises a suite of high quality sites which collectively contain the diversity and area of habitat that are needed to support species and which have ecological connections between them.
Economic Development
Economic development, as defined by national guidance, includes development within (or formerly within) the ‘B’ Use Classes (e.g. office, industrial, storage or distribution), public and community uses and main town centre uses. It also includes other development which achieves at least one of the following objectives:
- Provides employment opportunities
- Generates wealth or
- Produces or generates an economic output or product
Edge of Centre
For retail purposes, a location that is well connected to, and up to 300 metres from the primary shopping area. For all other main town centre uses, a location within 300 metres of a town centre boundary. For office development, this includes locations outside the town centre but within 500 metres of a public transport interchange. In determining whether a site falls within the definition of edge of centre, account should be taken of local circumstances.
Electric Vehicles (EVs)
Vehicles that are either partially or fully powered by electric power, including e-bikes (cycles with an electric battery to assist with pedalling).
Embodied Carbon
The carbon emissions incurred from the manufacture, transport and erection of building materials used in the construction of the building.
Employment Use
An ‘employment use’ includes the following main categories:
- Uses within use Classes E(g) (including offices), B2 general industry and B8 storage/distribution uses
- Other uses (excluding retail and leisure) that provide employment opportunities or support the economic development of the borough and would not undermine the business function of a wider Employment Area.
Energy Use Intensity (EUI)
A measure of the total energy consumption of the building covering all energy uses such as space heating, domestic hot water, lighting, cooking and appliances.
Exception Test (in the context of flooding)
The Exception Test provides a method of managing flood risk while still allowing necessary development to occur. The criteria of the test are set out in national guidance and should be applied by decision-makers in relation to site allocations and development proposals only after the Sequential Test has been applied.
Extra Care Housing
The term ‘extra care’ housing is popular with people whose disabilities, frailty or health needs make ordinary housing unsuitable but who do not need or want to move to long-term care (residential or nursing homes). It is used to describe a range of developments that comprise self-contained homes which have been designed, built or adapted to facilitate the care and support needs that its owner/tenants may have now or in the future, with access to care and support twenty four hours a day either on site or by call. It is also known as ‘very sheltered housing’, ‘housing with care’, ‘assisted living’ and ‘close care’.
Farm Diversification
The generation of commercial income through non-agricultural diversification in order to supplement farming businesses and potentially improve their viability.
First Home
First Homes is a tenure of affordable homes sold to first time buyers at least 30% below open market value with the discount maintained for future resales. They must comprise at least 25% of the affordable housing on sites.
First Home Exception Site
Sites containing First Homes which are permitted in the countryside in specific circumstances.
The variety of rocks, minerals, fossils, soils, landforms and natural processes.
Green and Blue Infrastructure (GI)
This is a term used to refer to the living network of green spaces, water and other environmental features in both urban and rural areas. It is often used in an urban context to cover benefits provided by trees, parks, gardens, road verges, allotments, cemeteries, woodlands, rivers and wetlands. Green infrastructure is also relevant in a rural context, where it might refer to the use of farmland, woodland, wetlands or other natural features to provide services such as flood protection, carbon storage or water purification. Green infrastructure maintains critical ecological links between town and country.
Land that has not been ‘previously developed’.
Groundwater Source Protection Zones (SPZs)
Areas defined by the Environment Agency to prevent contamination of groundwater sources used for public drinking water supply.
Gypsies and Travellers
Persons of nomadic habit of life whatever their race or origin, including such persons who on grounds only of their own or their family’s or dependants’ educational or health needs or old age have ceased to travel temporarily or permanently, but excluding members of an organised group of travelling showpeople or circus people travelling together as such (Planning Policy for Traveller Sites, 2023).
Place where an organism or a community of organisms live, including all living and non-living factors and conditions of the surrounding environment.
Habitat Regulations Assessment
Also known as an Appropriate Assessment. Used to assess the impacts of proposals and land-use plans against the conservation objectives of a European Protected site and to ascertain whether it would adversely affect the integrity of that site in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2017).
Housing our Ageing Population Panel for Innovation (HAPPI). The HAPPI principles are based on 10 key design criteria. Many are recognisable from good design generally - good light, ventilation, room to move around and good storage - but they have particular relevance to the spectrum of older persons' housing which needs to both offer an attractive alternative to the family home, and be able to adapt over time to meet changing needs.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
National independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness.
Heritage Assets
Parts of the historic environment that have significance because of their historic, archaeological, architectural or artistic interest. They include designated heritage assets (such as listed buildings and conservation areas) and assets identified by the local planning authority during the process of decision-making or through the plan-making process.
Historic Environment Record
A series of linked databases that hold information on known archaeological sites, finds, landscapes, buildings and other aspects of the historic environment.
Host building
‘Host’ refers to the building that currently exists. In some cases, the host building will have been subject to changes over time and, in assessing proposals to extend or alter the host building, it is necessary to take into account the evolution of the building to its current form.
Housing Commitments
The number of planning permissions and site allocations for housing, which have not yet been completed.
Housing Completions
The number of residential units which have been approved and constructed.
Housing Register
A register of households who have applied to, and meet the eligibility criteria to, live in housing association housing.
Housing mix
The different size, types and tenures of homes to support the requirements of a range of household sizes, ages and incomes.
Development that is located on sites situated between existing uses and buildings.
Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)
The Infrastructure and Delivery Plan (IDP) forms part of the evidence base for the Local Plan Update. It assesses the infrastructure capacity and needs of the borough and provides an overview of the way infrastructure is planned and the agencies involved in its delivery. It also looks at costs and likely funding mechanisms for infrastructure and forms the basis for assessing contributions that would be sought to meet the needs of new development.
Infrastructure Delivery Strategy
Document to be provided with outline or full planning applications on relevant sites that sets out an overarching framework for infrastructure delivery and provides suitable assurances that infrastructure is being jointly and comprehensively planned. The document can form the basis of future Section 106 agreements for relevant forms of infrastructure.
Infrastructure Funding Statement
A statement published annually by the council explaining how much CIL and Section 106 money has been collected and spent.
Intermediate Affordable Housing
Housing at prices and rents above those of social rent, but below market price or rents. These can include shared ownership or shared equity products other low cost homes for sale and intermediate rent but does not include affordable rented housing.
In the context of new residential development in the countryside, where the proposed dwelling is physically separate or remote from a settlement.
Key Species
In the context of biodiversity and nature conservation, this is an umbrella term to cover legally protected species, Species of Principal Importance in England and Notable Species in Hampshire. Legally protected species mean those given statutory protection for nature conservation reasons, including those given protection under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, regulations 61 and the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. Species of Principle Importance in England are those listed under the provisions of Section 41 of the Natural England and Rural Communities Act 2006. Notable Species in Hampshire are listed in Living Landscapes.
Landscape Character Assessment (LCA)
A background study that identifies the features or combinations of elements that contributes towards the character of the landscape. LCA’s can make a contribution to planning policies and the allocation of land for development.
Listed Building
A building of special historic or architectural interest included at Grades I, II* or II in a statutory list compiled or approved by the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. A listed building may not be demolished, extended or altered, internally or externally, in any way which would affect its character or appearance as a building of special architectural or historic interest, without the prior consent of the local planning authority.
Live/Work Units
A property that is specifically designed for dual use, combining both residential and employment space. It is distinct from ‘home working’ which usually comprises a residential unit with ancillary and often temporary or informal work areas. A live/work unit comprises a mix of residential and business uses which cannot be classified under a single class within the Use Classes Order and would therefore be sui generis. It is expected that the ‘work’ element would be capable of accommodating a full range of employment uses and would generally be within the same building as the ‘live’ component.
Local Centres
Local centres include a range of small shops of a local nature, serving a small catchment. Typically, local centres might include a small supermarket, newsagent, sub-post office and a pharmacy. In rural areas, large villages may perform the role of a local centre.
Local Critical Drainage Area
A local critical drainage area is an area where the drainage system has limited capacity and floods from surface water. Upstream of a local critical drainage area is a causal area that may impact on surface water flooding elsewhere. These are as defined and identified in the Council's Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.
Local Development Scheme (LDS)
The Local Development Scheme (LDS) provides a 'project plan' identifying which development plan documents will be produced, in what order and when. It will be reviewed annually through the Authority Monitoring Report (AMR).
Local Distinctiveness
The positive features of a place and its communities which contribute to its special character and sense of place.
Local Green Space
Green spaces that are demonstrably special to local communities that benefit from the same high degree of protection from development as Green Belt.
Local Highway Authority (LHA)
Hampshire County Council (HCC), as Local Highway Authority, is charged with looking after the highway network on behalf of the public. This means both maintaining its condition and protecting the right of all to use it without hindrance.
Local Nature Partnership (LNP)
A body, designated by the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, established for the purpose of protecting and improving the natural environment in an area and the benefits derived from it.
Local Nature Reserve (LNR)
A statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act by principal local authorities. They are places with wildlife or geological features that are of special interest locally and/or offer people special opportunities to study or learn about nature or simply to enjoy it.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)
Strategies for nature designed as tools to encourage more coordinated practical and focused action and investment in nature. These strategies will help to map the Nature Recovery Network (NRN) locally and nationally.
Local Planning Authority (LPA)
The public authority whose duty it is to carry out specific planning functions for a particular area. This applies to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council. and Hampshire County Council to an extent appropriate to their responsibilities.
Local Road Network
the majority of roads within the borough, including the major ‘A’ roads, the ‘B’ and ‘C’ roads as well as the unclassified roads intended for local traffic, but excluding the Motorway (M3), and Trunk Roads (A303 and A34). The network is managed by Hampshire County Council as the Local Highway Authority.
Local Transport Plan (LTP)
The Local Transport Plan is a statutory document prepared by Hampshire County Council to set out key transport issues across the county and to establish a series of objectives to address these issues, including a programme for achieving them.
Localism Act 2011
An act to devolve greater powers to councils and neighbourhoods and give local communities more control over housing and planning decisions.
Locally Listed Buildings
Buildings included on the council’s Local List of Buildings of Architectural or Historic Interest. Local listing does not protect buildings in the way that statutory listing does, but reinforces efforts to preserve the character and appearance of the buildings when considering development proposals.
M4(1) Category 1 Visitable Dwelling
A new dwelling that makes reasonable provision for most people to visit, including wheelchair users, to approach and enter the dwelling and to access habitable rooms and sanitary facilities on the entrance storey.
M4(2) Category 2 Accessible and Adaptable Dwelling
A new dwelling that makes reasonable provision for most people to access the dwelling and incorporates features that make it potentially suitable for a wide range of occupants, including older people, those with reduced mobility and some wheelchair users.
M4(3) Category 3 Wheelchair User Dwelling
A new dwelling that makes reasonable provision, either at completions or at a point following completion, for a wheelchair user to live in the dwelling and use any associated private outdoor space, parking and communal facilities that may be provided for the use of the occupants.
Optional requirement:
- M4(3)(2)(a) - Allow simple adaptation of the dwelling to meet the needs of occupants who use wheelchairs.
- M4(3)(2)(b) – Meet the needs of occupants who use wheelchairs.
Main Town Centre Use
Retail development (including warehouse clubs and factory outlet centres); leisure, entertainment and more intensive sport and recreation uses (including cinemas, restaurants, drive-through restaurants, bars and pubs, nightclubs, casinos, health and fitness centres, indoor bowling centres and bingo halls); offices; and arts, culture and tourism development (including theatres, museums, galleries and concert halls, hotels and conference facilities).
Major Development
For residential schemes this is development where 10 or more homes will be provided, or the site has an area of 0.5ha or more. For other development, it includes building(s) with a floor area of 1000sqm or more or on a site of 1 hectare or more.
Market Housing
Private housing for rent or for sale, where the price is set in the open market.
A document describing the overall development concept for an area, addressing matters such as land use, green infrastructure, access and movement, comprehensive development, infrastructure and delivery.
Minerals Safeguarding Area (MSA)
Locally, these are defined in the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan (2013) as follows: “The MSA is defined by minerals and waste planning authorities. They include viable resources of aggregates and are defined so that proven resources of aggregates are not sterilised by non-mineral development. The MSA does not provide a presumption for these resources to be worked.”
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council is required (as set out in the NPPF) to identify the MSAs in the Local Plan (see the Policies Maps), however, the specific policies to which the MSAs relate are set out in the Hampshire Minerals and Waste Plan – October 2013, which forms part of the council’s Development Plan.
Mobility hub
A high quality, accessible space that acts as a focal point and brings together access to different modes of transport including public transport services, walking and cycling with associated facilities (e.g. waiting and boarding facilities, car club parking, EV charging facilities for visitors, secure cycle parking, parcel lockers, etc.) which offer attractive alternatives to private car use.
Modal Shift
A change from one form of transportation to another (e.g. a switch to traveling by Active Travel (Walking and Cycling) or to public transport).
National Highways
National Highways are responsible for operating, maintaining and improving the Strategic Road Network with respect to the borough. This includes the relevant sections of the M3 Motorway, the A303 and the A34 Trunk Roads that pass through the borough. The remainder of the Local Road Network within the borough is managed by Hampshire County Council (HCC), as the Local Highway Authority (LHA).
National Landscape (formerly Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)
An area designated by Natural England for its particularly attractive landscape and unspoilt character, which should be protected and enhanced as part of the national heritage. In the borough of Basingstoke and Deane, this consists of the North Wessex Downs National Landscape, which was designated as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in 1972.
Nationally Described Space Standard (NDSS)
A document setting out the minimum internal floor areas of new dwellings, and dimensions for key parts of the home including bedrooms and storage.
National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
The NPPF sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied at the local level.
Nature Recovery Network (NRN)
A national network of wildlife rich places. The aim is to expand, improve and connect these places across cities, countryside and coast.
Neighbourhood Development Order
An Order made by a local planning authority (under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) through which parish councils and neighbourhood forums can grant permission for a specific development proposal or classes of development.
Neighbourhood Plan
A plan prepared by a parish council or neighbourhood forum for a designated neighbourhood area.
Net zero operational energy balance (for a new building)
Where the annual amount of renewable energy generated will match or exceed the predicted total energy use of the building.
Nutrient Neutrality
A means of ensuring that development does not add to existing nutrient burdens within water catchments.
Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR)
An agency of the Health and Safety Executive which is responsible for all nuclear sector regulation across the United Kingdom.
Open Space
Land which is not built on and which has some amenity value or potential for amenity value. Amenity value is derived from the visual, recreational or other enjoyment which the open space can provide, such as historic and cultural interest and value. This includes open spaces in public or private ownership.
Operational Carbon
This refers to the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases emitted as a result of a building’s energy use. This includes emissions associated with heating, hot water, cooling, ventilation and lighting systems, as well as energy used for cooking and by specialist equipment such as lifts.
Park and Ride
A conveniently located facility that is intended to attract vehicle drivers to park their vehicles and then travel the rest of their journey towards their destination (including to Basingstoke Town Centre) by public transport.
Permitted Development
Permission to carry out certain limited forms of development without the need to make an application to a local planning authority, as granted under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order.
Planning Obligation
Planning obligations provide a means through Section 106 agreements to enable development proposals to meet the needs of the local community by securing developer contributions towards the provision of community infrastructure, affordable housing and services.
Previously Developed Land
As defined by national planning policy, this is land which is or was occupied by a permanent structure, including the curtilage of the developed land (although it should not be assumed that the whole of the curtilage should be developed) and any associated fixed surface infrastructure. This excludes: land that is or was last occupied by agricultural or forestry buildings; land that has been developed for minerals extraction or waste disposal by landfill, where provision for restoration has been made through development management procedures; land in built-up areas such as residential gardens, parks, recreation grounds and allotments; and land that was previously developed but where the remains of the permanent structure or fixed surface structure have blended into the landscape.
Primary Shopping Area
Area where retail development is concentrated. The extent of the primary shopping area is defined on the Policies Map.
Public rights of Way
Public roads, bridleways, and footpaths.
Public Transport
Transport services available for use by the public (e.g. bus, train and coach) that typically charge fares, including those services operating along defined routes in accordance with published timetables.
The holistic process of reversing economic, social and physical decline in an area in order to provide demonstrable benefits to the local community. It involves the council working with many partners including local communities, housing associations, the police, schools and the county council.
Registered Providers
Registered Providers are government funded not-for-profit organisations that provide affordable housing. They include housing associations, trusts and cooperatives. They work with local authorities to provide homes for people meeting the affordable homes criteria. As well as developing land and building homes, they undertake a landlord function by maintaining properties and collecting rent.
Renewable/Low Carbon Energy
Renewable energy covers energy which comes from natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and geothermal heat, which are renewable (naturally replenished) and not derived from fossil or nuclear fuel. Low carbon technologies are those that can help reduce emissions (compared to conventional use of fossil fuels).
Renewable and low-carbon energy supplies include biomass and energy crops, combined heat and power, ground-source and air-source heat pumps, energy-from-waste, photovoltaic generation, and wind generation.
River Basin Management Plans (RBMP)
These are plans that set out the environmental objectives for all the water bodies within a river basin district and how they will be achieved. The plans are based upon a detailed analysis of the pressures on the water bodies and an assessment of their impacts and must be reviewed and updated every six years.
Scheduled Monuments
Archaeological remains of national importance entered into a schedule compiled by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport.
Section 106 Agreement
A legal agreement, under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, between a local authority and a landowner, to regulate the development or use of land in a way that cannot effectively be controlled by planning conditions. This may be used to secure benefits or financial contributions, such as for the provision of community facilities, play space or transport related improvements.
Self-Build (and Custom-Build) Housing
Housing built by an individual, a group of individuals, or persons working with or for them, to be occupied by that individual. Such housing can be either market or affordable housing. A legal definition, for the purpose of applying the Self-build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 (as amended), is contained in section 1(A1) and (A2) of that Act.
Sequential Approach
An approach which directs Main Town Centre Uses to town centres, then edge of centre locations, in preference to out of centre sites.
Sequential Test
A test based on flood risk, which should be applied at all stages of planning in order to steer new development to areas at the lowest probability of flooding.
A settlement typically consists of a town or a village (comprised of more than a group of houses, or farmstead and including at least one service or facility, such as a village hall, public house or school).
Settlement Policy Boundary (SPB)
Boundary surrounding a settlement which separates the main built-up area from the open countryside. In general there is a presumption in favour of development within the Settlement Policy Boundary. Outside of an SPB is defined as open Countryside, (please see definition of Countryside), where development is more tightly controlled.
Sheltered Housing
Accommodation for elderly or disabled people consisting of private independent units with some shared facilities and a warden.
Significance (in relation to a Heritage Asset)
The significance of a heritage asset is the sum of its architectural, historic, artistic or archaeological interest.
Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs)
Non-statutory wildlife site designated for their habitat and/or species interests against a set of criteria developed by Hampshire County Council, Natural England and the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. SINCs are put forward for selection and review by the Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre on behalf of Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council.
Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
Sites designated under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended) for their outstanding interests in respect of flora, fauna, geology and/or limnology.
Social Rented Housing
Rented housing owned and managed by registered social landlords, for which guideline target rents are determined through the national rent regime.
Source Protection Zone (SPZ)
Areas defined by the Environment Agency for groundwater sources such as wells, boreholes and springs used for public water drinking supply. They show the risk of contamination from any activities that might cause pollution in the area.
Space heating Demand
The amount of heat needed to heat a home over a year and is a measure of the thermal efficiency of the building.
Special Protection Area (SPA)
European designated sites which have been identified as being of international importance for the breeding, feeding, wintering or the migration of rare and vulnerable species of birds. The Thames Basin Heaths SPA includes areas of heathland across Surrey, Hampshire and Berkshire. Part of the 5km buffer zone around this SPA covers the north east of the borough.
Specialist Housing
Housing that meets the needs of a particular group in the population, which can include older, vulnerable and disabled people.
Standard Method
A methodology prescribed by the Government to determine the local housing need in the Local Authority Area, unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.
Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
The SCI sets out standards to be achieved by the local planning authority in relation to involving the community in the preparation, alteration and continuing review of the Development Plan and in developing the SCI control decisions. It is subject to independent examination. In respect of documents prepared under the Development Plan the local planning authority is required to produce a statement showing how it complies with the SCI.
Stepping Stone
In relation to biodiversity, a stepping stone is an ecologically suitable patch or landscape feature where a species can temporarily stop while moving along a route important for their migration, dispersal and/or genetic exchange.
Strategic Employment Areas
The main locations for employment development in the borough, as identified in the Local Plan.
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA)
The council has completed an SFRA (2021) in conjunction with the Environment Agency and the local water companies which provides information on the probability of flooding, such as that from groundwater sources and sewers. The SFRA is used to ensure that, in allocating land or determining applications, development is located in areas at lowest risk of flooding.
Strategic Gaps
Areas between towns and villages that have been defined to prevent the coalescence of settlements. The council and local community attach great importance to the function of these areas as a means of maintaining individual settlement identity.
Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)
Identifies sites with the potential for housing and employment use, and assesses how many homes they could provide and when they could be developed.
It is an important evidence source to inform plan-making but does not determine whether a site should be allocated for housing development. The council publishes an updated document annually.
Strategic Road Network
Managed by National Highways including the relevant sections of the M3 Motorway, the A303 and the A34 Trunk Roads which pass through the borough. With respect to these strategic routes, Department for Transport Circular 01/2022 (Dec. 2022) sets out how National Highways look to support the delivery of sustainable development.
Suitable Alterative Natural Green Space (SANG)
Green space that is of a quality and type suitable to provide alternative green space to divert visitors from visiting the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area.
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Non-statutory guidance on specific or sensitive planning issues which adds detail to policies in the Local Plan, and which has been the subject of public consultation.
Surface Water Management Plan
A plan which outlines the preferred surface water management strategy in a given location. In this context surface water flooding describes flooding from sewers, drains, groundwater, and run-off from land, small water courses and ditches that occurs as a result of heavy rainfall.
Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
A tool for appraising policies to ensure that they reflect sustainable development objectives (i.e. economic, social and environmental factors). It incorporates Sustainable Environmental Assessment (SEA). Sustainability Appraisal is required under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, to be carried out on all Development Plan Documents.
Sustainable Development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In the planning context, this is reflected by the economic objective, the social objective, and the environmental objective of the NPPF.
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS)
The term Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) covers the range of drainage elements for managing surface water in a way which is more sympathetic to the natural and human environment than conventional below-ground drainage systems. This can include:
- Source control measures including rainwater recycling and drainage
- Infiltration devices to allow water to soak into the ground, that can include individual soakaways and communal facilities
- Filter strips and swales, which are vegetated features that hold and drain water downhill mimicking natural drainage patterns
- Filter drains and porous pavements to allow rainwater and run-off to infiltrate into permeable material below ground and provide storage if needed, and
- Basins and ponds to hold excess water after rain and allow controlled discharge that avoids flooding.
Sustainable Transport Hierarchy
Places the needs of pedestrians at the first (including for people with disabilities and reduced mobility) in relation to all modes of transport, followed by cyclists, public transport, shared transport and car users. The aim of this hierarchy is to ensure that the movement needs of the most vulnerable groups are fully considered, albeit that this does not necessarily give priority to pedestrians and cyclists in every location, as this will inevitably depend on local circumstances.
Sustainable Transport Modes
Forms of transport and travel that have a low impact on the environment, including Active Travel (e.g. walking and cycling) and public transport.
Housing tenure describes the status under which people occupy their accommodation. The most common forms of tenure are home ownership and renting.
Town Centre
Defined area, including the primary shopping area and areas of predominantly leisure, business and other main town centre uses within or adjacent to the primary shopping area. Basingstoke has a defined town centre, as indicated on the Policies Map.
Transport Assessment
A comprehensive and systematic process that sets out transport issues relating to a proposed development. It identifies what measures will need to be taken to deal with the anticipated transport impacts and to improve accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly sustainable travel modes such as Active Travel (walking and cycling) and public transport.
Transport Statement
A simplified version of a TA relating to proposed developments where the transport considerations may not require a full TA to identify suitable mitigations.
Travel Plans
A Travel Plan is a travel management strategy for a site, group of sites or organisation. It contains a package of measures designed to reduce the need for travel, whilst also offering a choice of sustainable travel modes to encourage travelling in a more sustainable way. They provide, together with Transport Assessments, the mechanism for assessing and managing access to sites for all users, whilst also improving accessibility, both to and from the site, and to local amenities and services.
Viability Assessment
A financial appraisal of the profit or loss arising from a proposed development, taking into account the estimated value of a scheme when completed and the building cost and other development costs incurred in delivering a scheme.
Valued Landscape
Landscape areas identified as exhibiting special characteristics and distinctive qualities that elevate them above the rest of the countryside.
Whole life carbon
This includes both embodied carbon and carbon emissions associated with operational energy
Windfall Sites
Sites not identified in the Local Plan which become available for development during the Local Plan period.