Policy SPS5: Sites Allocated for Housing Led Development

Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59

Policy SPS5: Sites Allocated for Housing Led Development

The following sites, as shown on the Policies Map, are allocated and should be developed in accordance with policies within the Plan and the site-specific requirements set out in the individual site policies.

In bringing forwards development, it will be a requirement to ensure that the necessary infrastructure is provided at a rate and scale to meet the needs that arise for the development, in accordance with both the IDP and through conformity with the appropriate standards, as set out in Appendix 2.

Development on the sites is expected to come forward through a design led approach, involving the local community. For the larger sites, and where outlined in the individual policies, it will be necessary for a Masterplan and Strategic Design Code to be prepared. The Masterplans are included in Appendices XX to XX of this Local Plan [to be produced post-Regulation 18].  Strategic Design Codes will be adopted as Supplementary Planning Documents prior to the grant of full planning permission or the first reserved matters for the site or a phase.  Masterplans and Strategic Design Codes will be an important material planning consideration in the determination of planning applications. Where sites are adjacent to each other, masterplanning should be undertaken jointly.

Existing strategic housing led allocations from adopted Local Plan

SPS5.1 – Northern Manydown (Approx. 4,000 homes)

SPS5.2 - Basingstoke Golf Course (1,000 homes)

SPS5.3 - Hounsome Fields (750 homes)

New strategic housing led allocations

SPS5.4 - Southern Manydown (Approx. 7,500 homes with 2,400 in the plan period)

SPS5.5 - Popham Garden Village (Approx. 3,000 homes with 1,400 in the plan period)

SPS5.6 - East of Basingstoke (Approx. 900 homes, 450 additional to current allocation)

SPS5.7 - Sherfield Hill Farm (Approx. 300 homes)

SPS5.8 - Land West of Marnel Park (Approx. 200 homes)

SPS5.9 - Weybrook Park Golf Course (Approx. 220 homes)

SPS5.10 - Overton Mill, Overton (Approx. 340 homes)

Smaller sites

SPS5.11 - Redlands Lodge (Approx. 16 homes)

SPS5.12 - Land adjacent to Weybrook Park Golf Course (Approx. 30 homes)

SPS5.13 - 16 Southern Road ( Approx. 9 homes)

SPS5.14 - 65 New Road (Approx. 6 homes)

SPS5.15 - Land off Ashwood Way (Approx. 18 homes)

6.34 The preparation of Masterplans (included as appendices of this Local Plan) and Strategic Design Codes (as Supplementary Planning Documents) is required for the larger sites of Southern Manydown, Popham Garden Village and East of Basingstoke. Proposals for development on the remaining Strategic Allocations listed in this policy will be required to demonstrate a masterplanning approach which integrates environmental opportunities and constraints with development objectives. It is required that this comprehensive, masterplanning approach will be demonstrated in the information which supports an outline or full planning application on these sites. Proposals for development on the smaller sites listed in this policy will be accompanied by information demonstrating a design led approach which takes full account of the environmental context of the site. The masterplanning of all allocation sites will take full account of how the development, when considered cumulatively with other proposed and permitted schemes, can impact the infrastructure of the local area and the approach to the internal layout of a site. 
Implementation and Monitoring

The policy will be implemented through:

  • The adoption of relevant Masterplans and Design Codes which meet the policy criteria
  • The determination of planning applications relating to the site allocations

The policy will be monitored through:

  • Annual monitoring of progress on the required site allocation related documents and also site delivery
  • The provision of required infrastructure in line with the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.



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