Para 6.3 states: "As explained in Chapter 4, the process of selecting the development sites....... These have been informed by a number of detailed evidence base documents including : Landscape...
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
6.1 | A key objective of the Local Plan Update is to make sufficient land available to meet the Borough's future needs. The policies in this chapter set out what development will take place in the Borough up to 2040 and where it will be located. This includes policies allocating specific sites for housing, employment, leisure and new infrastructure. |
6.2 | The plan’s spatial strategy, which has been informed by the sustainability appraisal process, prioritises development on brownfield sites and includes a policy that supports estate regeneration in Basingstoke. It also includes policies that provide a framework to enable the regeneration of a number of key locations in Basingstoke including the town centre, Basing View and the Leisure Park. |
6.3 | As explained in Chapter 4, the process of selecting the development sites has been informed by detailed site assessment process, captured in a Site Selection Report and the Sustainability Appraisal. These have been informed by a number of detailed evidence base documents including : Landscape Sensitivity Study; Transport Assessment; Water Cycle Study; Strategic Flood Risk Assessment; Leisure and Recreational Needs Assessment and Basingstoke Urban Design Framework. |
6.4 | The site allocation policies include detailed development management requirements which, in combination with plan’s other policies, will deliver high quality places that deliver the plan’s objectives. Each housing led allocation includes a concept plan providing a high-level overview of how the site is expected to be developed. |
6.5 | The strategy also recognises the importance of supporting the sustainability and vitality of the borough’s rural settlements. It sets housing requirements for the rural towns and villages (as set out in Policy SPS6), which will principally be met through neighbourhood planning. These requirements have been informed by the Settlement Study (2023). |