The Local Plan Update promotes “infrastructure first”.
The vast increase in population would require colossal changes to the infrastructure.
The roads are already congested and...
Infrastructure Delivery Plan
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Please view the PDF of the Infrastructure Deliver Plan below.
I object to the Local Plan proposals for Overton Mill particularly on the grounds of:
- The site being unsuitable for Gypsy and Traveller communities.
- The unsustainable...
The section of the plan where infrastructure needs are laid out highlights healthcare as a key priority that is already under resourced (H1-H9). I feel that the local plan should focus on forward-...
The draft infrastructure delivery plan (W1) lacks detail on this important requirement. There is a sewage treatment site in North Waltham which should discharge treated effluent into soakaways has...
The unabated growth outwards of Basingstoke, especially towards Winchester seems ill planned.
Why is the council potentially prioristing greenfield over brownfield redevelopment such as...