Policy SPS5.5: Popham Garden Village
Policy SPS5.5: Popham Garden Village
Vision for Popham Garden Village
Popham Garden Village will be a healthy and sustainable place with a strong, clearly defined and coherent village character, which maximises the opportunities presented by its attractive rural setting in a sensitive and positive manner. It will create:
6.73 | The Vision has been used to inform the policy approach for Popham Garden Village. |
Policy SPS5.5: Popham Garden Village The site, as shown on the Policies Map, is allocated for a well-designed and sustainable development that will: Amount and Type of Development
Development Principles Masterplanning
Design and Landscape
Flooding and Pollution
Social and Community facilities
Green Infrastructure
6.74 | The site, which will be developed as a Garden Village, will make provision for approximately 3,000 dwellings, to be provided via a range of dwelling types. Approximately 1,400 homes are expected on site within the Plan period to 2040. A village centre is to be provided, with a sufficient range of facilities and services to ensure that the community’s day to day needs can be met. An employment area offering a range of business opportunities will play a key role in encouraging the Garden Village to be as self-contained and sustainable as possible. |
6.75 | The scale and complexity of planning the future of the site requires that a Masterplan and Strategic Design Code are produced to ensure a coordinated approach to development. This will ensure that the site and its individual phases are developed comprehensively and delivered to a consistently high standard. It is essential that the Garden Village has its own identity and character which is strongly informed by its rural location within the Hampshire countryside. |
6.76 | In advance of the Regulation 19 consultation on the Local Plan, the council will work with the site promoter to produce a Masterplan for the site informed by the site promoter's emerging Sustainable Transport Strategy and including a site wide Framework Plan, Parameter Plans, Overarching Principles Document, Phasing Strategy and details of the infrastructure required (including on and off-site transport improvements), including its timing, funding and the responsibilities for its delivery. This document will be adopted as an appendix to the Local Plan, and will provide a more detailed framework to guide future planning applications. The Masterplan will be supported by a Strategic Design Code to ensure that the development of individual phases is planned in a comprehensive manner. The Strategic Design Code will be produced either by the Local Planning Authority (LPA), or the developer in agreement with the LPA, and adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document prior to the submission of the first full or reserved matters planning application within that phase. |
6.77 | The proposal needs to ensure safe, suitable and convenient access for all users, and that the transport impacts can be effectively mitigated in agreement with the highway and transport authorities. As part of this process, it will be important to demonstrate that the proposal will not have a severe residual impact nor have an unacceptable impact on highway safety in relation to the operation of the strategic and the local highway networks (including the A303 and the Micheldever to Overton Road). |
6.78 | The proposal also needs to demonstrate suitable transport accessibility and connectivity, including limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes. The proposal as a whole must prioritise and maximise active travel and public transport use, including safe, suitable and convenient access for all users to Micheldever Railway Station and for cyclists and public transport users to Basingstoke town centre (including Basingstoke Railway and Bus Stations). In addition, the development will need to be accessible via high quality and frequent public transport options including Mobility Hubs and other accessible and convenient boarding and waiting facilities. The Mobility Hubs need to provide high quality and accessible facilities, including access to public transport services and associated facilities (e.g. car club parking, EV charging facilities for visitors, secure cycle parking, delivery lockers, etc.) to provide focal points for public and shared transport, and access to attractive public transport services for travel within and beyond the site. The hubs should be sensitive to their setting in terms of design and layout, and incorporate green features to minimise hard standing. |
6.79 | The A303 is a significant noise source, and successfully mitigating the noise impacts will be vital for the quality of life of the future occupants and also ensuring that the character of the development achieves the garden village aspirations. In this regard it is likely that a roadside barrier running the length of the site and a significant buffer between the road and the edge of the built form would be required. This noise buffer should include as much mature tree planting as is practical in order to reduce the visual impact of the road on the development and provide a verdant character to the edge of the development, reflective of the garden village ethos for the site. The location of employment uses near the boundary with the A303 and close to one of the site’s access points, will help the creation of residential areas with a high quality of amenity. |
6.80 | The development involves the provision of a solar farm. This is a positive aspect of the proposal in terms of ensuring that the development is sustainable and responds to the council’s declared climate emergency. It will be vital to ensure that this is successfully delivered and done so in a manner which ensures an effective connection between the power generated and the new development. At outline stage, information is to be submitted setting out the timescales for the provision of the solar farm along with a detailed method statement clarifying the technical aspects in terms of how the solar farm will be connected to the new development. |
6.81 | Ensuring the achievement of 10% biodiversity net gain on site is a key requirement. This will need to be achieved in a manner which reflects the mitigation hierarchy (avoid, minimise, remediate, compensate). The main ecological constraint pertaining to the site is the ancient woodland within and adjacent to the site and consideration of these features should include the indirect impacts. Protected species are also known to the located on or around the site, such as dormice and bats and there is the potential for reptiles on the site. Considerations of the impacts of these species must be addressed in detailed as part of the ecological surveys and mitigation measures. |
6.82 | The site layout will need to ensure the protection of the SINCs located in the southern part of the site. Buffers will also need to be provided around the key biodiversity features, and buffer distances in excess of the minimum may be required. |
6.83 | Water quality is an extremely important issue in relation to this site, and this entails consideration of two key, interrelated issues. The site drains to the River Test catchment, and therefore it will be necessary to ensure that the site achieves nitrate neutrality. This will need to be achieved via on-site mitigation measures. Off-site measures would only be acceptable if it can be robustly demonstrated that on-site measures are not appropriate. In addition, the nearest wastewater treatment plant is at Whitchurch, and it has been established that this has capacity constraints. Therefore, development will not be consented until it has been demonstrated that acceptable arrangements have been put in place for ensuring appropriate disposal of wastewater. |
6.84 | A Flood Risk Assessment will be required, which will need to accord with the requirements set out in Policy ENV10 and the stipulations set out in national guidance. The site is not affected by significant flood constraints, though there is evidence of some potential groundwater flooding issues. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems should be incorporated in a manner which is well related to the rest of the development and takes the opportunity to provide other benefits such as biodiversity enhancements. |
6.85 | Landscape sensitivity is known to vary across the site, as has been set out in the council’s Landscape Sensitivity Assessment. Any future application will need to be supported by a Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal. This will need to consider the landscape issues associated with the site in more detail, as per the relevant institute guidelines, and the design and layout will need to respond to its findings. In particular it will be important to consider the topography of the site and how that impacts on the design, layout and scale of development, and how the development would appear in longer views, particularly from the National Landscape. It will be important to ensure that the design and layout of the development responds appropriately to the landscape constraints. Example of this include the need to avoid development on the higher parts of the site and also ensuring that housing on the edges of the site provide a suitable transition to the countryside beyond such as by being of a lower density and scale and incorporate suitable levels of planting (including trees and hedging. |
6.86 | In order to ensure there is an appropriate transition to adjacent countryside and to avoid a hard edge to development, the layout along the countryside edges of the site should generally be of a lower density and scale with a greater separation between buildings. Open spaces along the edge should incorporate suitable levels of planting (including trees and hedging) to help give a soft transition to the countryside. Development will need to face out to the countryside to provide active frontages, with no rear gardens facing outwards and also avoid prominent parking areas on the edge of the site. |
6.87 | In terms of infrastructure provision, the schools will need to be integrated in a manner which ensures that they will not result in unacceptable highways impacts (for example owing to vehicles stopping on main routes at drop off and pick up times) and in a manner which supports parents and children being able to reach the school on foot and/or via cycles in a safe and convenient manner. The schools will need to be of sufficient size to accommodate 2 forms of entry, and the full details of the mechanisms for delivering the new school will need to be agreed with HCC Children’s Services. |
6.88 | The development will include affordable housing, older persons’ accommodation, plots for custom and self-build housing, and gypsy and traveller pitches to create a diverse and sustainable new community. It is expected that older persons’ accommodation will be provided in or near the centres where there is the best access to facilities and services. The plots for custom and self-build housing should be brought forward in groups to create distinct custom and self-build areas. |
6.89 | The large, and mainly, greenfield site is in two ownerships, and is likely to be developed out by a number of developers in phases. Provided that an acceptable scheme can be negotiated, and the provision of infrastructure in a timely manner, it is estimated that homes could start to be completed by 2031/2. Depending on market conditions and other factors, it is estimated that the development could take approximately 20 years to complete. |
Figure 6.6: Policy SPS5.5: Popham Garden Village Concept Plan