Policy EMP1: Economic Growth and Investment
Policy EMP1: Economic Growth and InvestmentProposals will be permitted which support economic growth and productivity, taking into account both local business needs and wider opportunities for development. Economic growth within the borough must be predicated on clean growth principles[1] and proposals must meet the Plan’s climate change policies to support the council’s climate emergency and ecological emergency declarations. Over the plan period, the plan will aim to support the creation of a minimum of 560 jobs per annum. Inward investment the growth of existing enterprises and the formation and growth of new businesses will be enabled by:
Opportunities to develop the following key employment sectors will be supported:
Development proposals within the Basingstoke Settlement Policy Boundary (outside of Strategic Employment Areas), or in exceptional circumstances, adjacent to the Basingstoke Settlement Policy Boundary, for economic development falling within use class E (g) (ii) (iii) or B2 or B8, will be supported where:
8.4 | For the purposes of Policy EMP1 an ‘employment use’ includes classes E (g) (i) (ii) (iii) (office, research and development and light industrial), B2 general industry and B8 storage/distribution uses. The policy sets out the strategic approach to employment development in the borough. |
8.5 | The retention of the Strategic Employment Areas is seen as important in maintaining an employment land supply that provides a range of sites across the borough. Policy EMP2 provides more detail on the protection afforded to such areas. The regeneration and intensification of existing employment sites will be supported to allow businesses to expand and enable the provision of modern employment stock to replace properties that are reaching the end of their functional life. |
8.6 | The borough has a diverse employment base and the policy sets out the key employment sectors that the council is seeking to support in the borough to enhance the diversity of the boroughs economy over the Local Plan period. It also highlights the council’s desire to support business which form part of the green economy. The council’s Economic Growth Strategy sets out a vision and strategy which positively and proactively encourages sustainable economic growth. This includes addressing inclusive and clean growth to ensure all residents enjoy the benefits of economic prosperity and that, whenever possible, the impact of growth on the environment is limited. |
8.7 | The council’s Economic Needs Assessment (ENA) 2023 sets out the approach for the provision of office, industrial and logistics floorspace in the Borough. The ENA outlines that 40,000 sqm of office floorspace will be needed over the plan period, with 20,000 over the ten year period. A substantial contribution towards this floorspace could come from the better use of existing office floorspace which is currently underutilised. New sites will be required to meet the need for industrial floorspace which amounts to 24,000 sqm and also for logistics floorspace with needs of 99,000 sqm identified. |
Implementation and Monitoring
The policy will be implemented through:
- Development management decisions on planning applications.
- Working proactively with landowners and site promoters to help ensure the delivery of development which will meet identified needs and support economic growth.
- Working proactively with other stakeholders such as the Local Enterprise Partnership (and relevant successors) in relation to specific development site and the production of economic strategy documents.
The policy will be monitored through:
- Annual monitoring data regarding gains and losses of employment floorspace. This will be assessed against the figures set out within the Economic Needs Assessment 2023.
- Future updates to the Employment Land Review
- Annual monitoring data on net new jobs in the borough.
[1] Applications should set out to what extent they will address the principles set out in the supporting text.