Policy ENV2 – Strategic Gaps
The principle of the Strategic Gap designation is supported. However, objection is raised to the inclusion of the area of land south of Wildmoor Lane and east of...
Policy ENV2: Strategic Gaps
Closed22 Jan, 2024, 10:00 - 4 Mar, 2024, 23:59
Policy ENV2: Strategic GapsIn order to prevent coalescence of built-up areas and to maintain the separate identity of settlements, the generally open and undeveloped nature of the following gaps will be protected:
Development in gaps will only be permitted where:
7.13 | In parts of Basingstoke the towns and villages are located relatively close to one another and the land allocations within this plan will in some instances reduce the distance between settlements further. The gaps have not been defined to protect the countryside or landscape (Policy ENV1), they are essentially a planning tool to prevent the coalescence of settlements and maintain the separate identity of settlements. |
7.14 | A clear gap between settlements helps maintain a sense of place for both residents of, and visitors to, the settlements on either side of the gaps. When travelling through a strategic gap (by all modes of transport) a traveller should have a clear sense of having left the first settlement, having travelled through an undeveloped area and then entered the second settlement. |
7.15 | Small scale development that is in keeping with the rural nature of the gaps will not be prevented, provided that it is appropriately sited and designed to minimise the impact on the openness of the gap and subject to other policies of this plan. |
7.16 | The precise boundaries for the gaps are set out on the policies map. |
Implementation and MonitoringThe policy will be implemented through:
It is recognised by many, also the Borough Council, the importance of maintaining the identity of villages and prevent coalescence.
The reduction in the proposed areas forming the strategic...
Dear Sir/Madam, please find attached Reside’s representants to the above.
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This email includes four responses to Policies SPS1, SPS5 and ENV2 of...
I wish to state that I object in the strongest possible terms to the above plan update which is out for consultation. In the previous version there was a strategic gap which went a small way to...
The proposed plan states in Policy ENV2 that protecting the borough’s current pattern of towns and villages and their individual character is a key aim of the plan and seeks to implement this through...